We Would Like to Thank Our Readers and Heartfelt Friends

Dear Friends;

We carefully read all the letters and comments that were sent to our website.

Thank you very much for your interest.

Some of our readers, who sent messages via the contact form of our website, stated that they believed that the announcement of the donations was for a “show off.”

As is known, in democratic societies, everyone is free to express their opinion freely— as long as it does not contain insults. We welcome these comments. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings, we deemed appropriate to bring an explanation on this issue:

Pursuant to our much beloved, esteemed, benevolent deceased Salih Tatlıcı’s will to “help people,” Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı have done and continue to do much more than the charitable works featured on this website for years.

Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı, who have always felt the importance of solidarity and cooperation in our customs and traditions by their heart, have always strived to support all actions especially, aimed at the education of girls, protecting the nature, people with disabilities and anyone in need of help, the children who are victims of war, and the elderly, regardless of nationality, religion, race or geographical region. They will continue to lend their helping hands as a duty of humanity.

The announcements on this website are only some of the donations made by Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı.

The sole purpose of publishing these announcements is to encourage our readers to do charitable works and to encourage them to give more help to such institutions, each of which is valuable to all people in need of help, without any discrimination, both in our country and all over the world.

As a matter of fact, as we read from some of the thank-you letters we received, we are very pleased to observe that some of our readers, who explore and watch the institutions we donate to, donate to the same institutions.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our readers and heartfelt friends.

We respectfully present it.



Support to “People in Need” Organization from Uğur and Nurten Tatlıcı

The late businessman Salih Tatlıcı’s wife Nurten Tatlıcı and their son Uğur Tatlıcı donated to the “SOS Ukraine” (Emergency Assistance for Ukraine) campaign organized by the “People in Need” organization, an international charity headquartered in the Czech Republic, for the people of Ukraine, who were adversely affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine.

I sincerely wish peace to prevail in our world.

“Wars leave only wreckages, pain, tears, and deep wounds. What is most painful is the death of innocent babies, children, women, and older people by bombs. I wish wars would end in our world and peace would prevail in democracy, freedom, and solidarity. In addition to the aids my mother and I have provided for the Ukrainian people, who have been victims of the war that has been going on for months, we supported the aid campaign organized by the “People in Need” organization this time, an international aid organization headquartered in the Czech Republic, for the people of Ukraine. On this occasion, we reiterate our wish that diplomatic efforts will be concluded as soon as possible and that the war in our northern neighbor will come to an end, and that peace will be ensured permanently.” Uğur Tatlıcı stated regarding the donation.

The “People in Need” Organization

The People in Need organization was established in 1992 by a group of Czech war correspondents who were no longer satisfied with merely relaying information about ongoing conflicts and began sending out aid. It continues its activities as a professional humanitarian organization striving to provide assistance in troubled regions and promote adherence to human rights worldwide.

The People in Need is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded on the ideals of humanism, freedom, equality, and solidarity. It considers human dignity and freedom to be fundamental values. The Organization believes that people anywhere in the world should have the right to make decisions about their lives and share the rights expressed in the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” Immediately after the start of the current Ukraine-Russia conflict, the Organization has begun to deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine and support refugees arriving in the Czech Republic and other countries. The Organization operates in the West and East of Ukraine, where humanitarian aid vehicles and trains go and work with teams of more than 100 people, helps people from Ukraine in cooperation with local organizations in neighboring countries, and provides social assistance to refugees in most regions of the Czech Republic. The “People in Need” organization has collected donations of one and a half billion Czech crowns in the first few weeks after the start of the Russian occupation.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

Scholarship Support from Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı

Nurten Tatlıcı, the wife of late businessman Salih Tatlıcı, and their son Uğur Tatlıcı have provided scholarships to thousands of children and young people studying and in need since 2009. They are always pleased with the support they give to education.

From now on, the “Salih Tatlıcı Foundation,” which was established by Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı this year, will provide scholarships to successful undergraduate students at a public or private university with insufficient financial means, within the quota, amount, and duration to be determined every year. You can find scholarship application conditions, duration, and other information on the “APPLICATION” tab of our website. You can also apply for a scholarship through the “APPLICATION” tab on our website.

Regarding the scholarship, “One of the most difficult periods of human life is to struggle with financial impossibilities in student life and to try to stand on one’s feet. Although my late father wanted to study very much, he had to leave his education unfinished due to familial difficulties and started to work in his father’s shop at a young age and became a very successful businessman in time. My father placed great emphasis on education. During his lifetime, he made significant donations in the field of education. He would say that giving a scholarship is a very meaningful contribution we will make to the future, and he would like us to continue this. Together with my mother, we are trying to fulfill my dear father’s oral will, and we are delighted about it. stated Uğur Tatlıcı.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

Donation from Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı to the Turkish Armed Forces Mehmetçik Foundation

Late businessman Salih Tatlıcı’s wife Nurten Tatlıcı and their son Uğur Tatlıcı made a donation to the Turkish Armed Forces Mehmetçik Foundation for the Mother’s Day of the mothers of the martyred non-commissioned officers and privates.

Regarding the donation, a certificate of appreciation was presented to Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı by the Foundation’s General Manager, Mr. Engin Durak.

We have not forgotten the mothers of our Mehmetçik soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the homeland and the nation.

Our martyrs are the brave sons of the holy mothers of the saintly Turkish nation, who sacrificed their lives to protect the unity and solidarity of our homeland and the security of our nation. For my mother and I, it is a debt of loyalty to support the tearful, devoted mothers of our Martyrs on Mother’s Day,” Uğur Tatlıcı said, regarding the donation.

Turkish Armed Forces Mehmetçik Foundation

The Turkish Armed Forces Mehmetçik Foundation was established on May 17, 1982, in order to provide social and economic support to the relatives of those who were martyred or lost their lives for any reason, as well as Mehmetçik Soldiers who are veterans and with disabilities and sacrificed their lives for the safety of our country and nation.

The Turkish Armed Forces Mehmetçik Foundation provides death and disability benefits to those who lost their lives or became disabled during their service at the Gendarmerie General Command and the Coast Guard Command, their spouses and children, and their dependents (except for Specialized Privates, specialist gendarmes, and contracted non-commissioned officers and privates), offers continuous care assistance to veterans and Mehmetçik soldiers with disabilities, provides care and education support to the children of the Mehmetçik soldiers, implements social support programs for Mehmetçik soldiers and their families and donors included in the aid plan, continuously improves itself with donations, investment and promotion programs that support the aid plan, and informs the public regularly. By this means, the Foundation contributes to strengthening social justice, social peace, and national unity at the country level by carrying out activities.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.