Our Support for Earthquake Victims Continues

Our Foundation has donated to BEDD (Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled), which has started a campaign to provide a prosthesis to a “mother” who lost her left foot at the knee level and whose husband and children were also injured in the earthquake in Hatay province on February 6, 2023, because she was buried in the wreckage for 12 hours, to make her life easier compared to her previous standards.

We will continue to support organizations that strive for a life without barriers

Regarding the donation, Uğur Tatlıcı, Executive Board Member of our Foundation, said: “We hope that our citizens who were injured in the earthquake disaster that affected 11 provinces of our country will reconnect to life and forget their deep pain. As the Foundation, we have donated to the Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled, which has started a campaign to provide prostheses for Lady Rüzgar, who lost her left leg at the knee level due to being buried in the wreckage in Hatay. We wish Lady Rüzgar to regain her health and an unhindered life as soon as possible.”

The Solidarity Association for the Physically Disabled (BEDD) with a History of Approximately 30 Years

BEDD was founded on 20 July 1993 as a charity association in order to provide social solidarity by contributing to the education and health needs of all orthopedically disabled citizens of the Republic of Turkey. It aims to provide the necessary support for disabled citizens within its body regardless of religion, language, race, region and gender.  It has become a pioneering association in Turkey in breaking down barriers with the activities it carries out. As one of the top twenty most well-known and trusted non-governmental organisations of Turkey, it aims to serve more disabled citizens. It focuses on providing treatment, assistance and education opportunities to physically disabled children and young people, and pioneers their active participation in social life with awareness-raising of their families and society in general. The number of disabled citizens living in Turkey is approximately over 13 million. BEDD delivered wheelchairs suitable for their needs to approximately 45,185 disabled people since 1993 when it was founded to enable disabled individuals to participate in life.

BEDD conducts comprehensive activities on those in need in wheelchair distributions and strives to provide the appropriate vehicle for the nature of the individual disability. These wheelchairs are delivered to disabled people in need with distribution ceremonies organized in 81 provinces with Governorships, District Governorships, or Municipalities throughout the country.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made by the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.