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We Say NO!! to Violence Against Women

On November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we say NO..! to violence against women.

Our women are the most precious ones who deserve to be loved and respected.

Woman means sacrifice, love, labor, and the foundation of the family.

Violence against women is a betrayal of humanity!

Our women deserve a life worthy of human dignity, free from violence, and equal in a safer world today and every day. We wish for a life where we will not be forced to say no to violence against women, with the hope that our women, the people who shape the future, can live in a more fair, peaceful, secure and peaceful world, and we can remove November 25 from our calendars…


Nurten & Uğur Tatlıcı


November 25 of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly declared November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The reason why this day is designated as November 25 is based on an event that took place in the Dominican Republic in 1960. Three sisters named Mirabal Sisters, known for their opposition to Rafael Trujillo, who ruled the country with a dictatorship, had been brutally murdered by being strangled and beaten, days after Trujillo said: “There are two dangers in the country: the Church and the Mirabal Sisters.”

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