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Donations And Sponsorship

Our seas are cleaner with the support of Uğur and Nurten Tatlıcı

The late businessman Salih Tatlıcı’s wife Nurten Tatlıcı and their son Uğur Tatlıcı sponsored the liquid waste collection boat, Clean Sea 3, for cleaning the beaches of Marmaris and Hisarönü, the most popular regions of the Aegean in Blue Cruise and yacht tourism, together with TURMEPA Clean Sea Association to keep our seas clean.

Uğur Tatlıcı: “We are carrying out my late father’s will.”

My late father used to say, ‘To pollute the water is to pollute the future, to take the life out of life.’ The main cause of marine pollution is chemical, industrial, agricultural, or domestic waste discharged from boats on the sea irresponsibly. While most of these wastes sink to the bottom of the sea, some of them hit the shores and float on the water surface. These wastes thrown into the sea are broken down into smaller pieces by the effect of the sun and waves, and they pose a great danger to the health of fish or other creatures living in the seas and, ultimately, all people. My mother and I believe that we need to take active steps to protect our seas, and we consider it a humanitarian duty to support the TURMEPA Clean Sea Association wholeheartedly.” said Uğur Tatlıcı regarding the donation,

TURMEPA Clean Sea Association—An association that plays a vital role in protecting Turkey’s seas and waterways

TURMEPA is a civil society movement that was initiated on April 8, 1994 under the founding chairmanship of Rahmi M. Koç, together with the Chamber of Shipping and a handful of sea lovers, in order to make the protection of our country’s coasts and seas a national priority and to leave a livable Turkey embraced by clean seas for future generations. With the projects it has implemented, TURMEPA, which is well known by the public both nationally and internationally, has become Turkey’s leading marine-oriented non-governmental organization in 25 years. TURMEPA, which received the support of organizations such as IMO, UNEP, The Club of Rome, ICS, and IUCN on international platforms, with the “Declaration for the Protection of the Seas” published in 1995, obtained the status of an association working for the public benefit with the decision taken by the Council of Ministers on June 19, 2000.

TURMEPA, which plays a vital role in protecting Turkey’s seas and waterways, is our country’s leading non-governmental organization operating in this field. Our country is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural beauties, historical and cultural resources, biological diversity of its sea and coasts, and both underwater and surface living and non-living assets. The TURMEPA Clean Sea Association has been working to leave a livable Turkey that has achieved its goal of sustainability in development for future generations by making the protection of our seas and coasts a national priority since the day it was founded

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

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