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Maraş Earthquake Scholarship

Salih Tatlıcı Foundation will provide education scholarships until the end of 2023 to earthquake victims who lost their parents, whose houses were destroyed, and whose financial means were insufficient in the February 6, 2023 earthquake epicenter of which was Kahramanmaraş and affecting the surrounding cities. In this context, the Foundation has created a scholarship fund of 1 Million Turkish Lira for students who are earthquake victims.

1) Being a Citizen of the Republic of Turkey

2) To be residing in one of the provinces affected by the earthquake of February 6, 2023, the epicenter of which was Kahramanmaraş (Adana, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Malatya, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa).

3) Being a primary or high school student

The scholarship will be allocated primarily to primary and high school students who lost their parents in the earthquake, whose house was destroyed, and who therefore need financial support to continue their education.

The Foundation Scholarship will be awarded until the end of 2023.

The authority of the Foundation administration to terminate the scholarship at any stage of the scholarship process is reserved.

Applications for foundation scholarships will be made through the website.

Every willing student who meets the above-mentioned candidacy requirements uploads their personal information in full on along with the documents stated below.

The documents required for the application are as follows:

a) Criminal record document,

b) Student certificate,

c) Certificate of identity register,

d) Domicile (Residence) Certificate

e) Documents showing the financial situation of the family (Payroll of working parents, retirement income certificate for retired people)

Candidates whose scholarship applications are accepted must sign a letter of undertaking.

The scholarship is allocated to the student by the Foundation Management.

Foundation Management examines the status of applicants; if it is necessary, it requests additional information and documents, conducts an interview, and makes the final decision.

In order for the scholarship to continue for the specified period, the scholarship holder must meet the following criteria:

a) The scholarship is terminated in cases where the scholarship holder misrepresents the requested information, and the requested documents are not submitted on time.

b) The Foundation is free to change any article of this scholarship specification without prior notice, to enforce it in a different way without changing it, to re-determine the amount of scholarship, the number of scholarship holders, the duration of the scholarship, and the requirements for scholarship holders.

c) The Foundation is not under any debt or obligation to the students it grants scholarships. No commitment has been made. Scholarship holders declare that they accept all these terms by applying for the scholarship.

d) The Foundation management has the authority to unilaterally terminate the scholarship at any stage of the scholarship process.