The Tragedy in Ukraine Breaks Our Hearts…

Dear Friends,

Unfortunately, innocent children suffer and pay the price— mostly unaware of what is happening in wars. Children playing games in their homes and studying at their schools are taken to the nearest shelters in an environment of great panic they encounter for the first time without realizing what is happening.

The looks in the images we see in different media outlets clearly describe fear, deprivation, and sadness. They leave behind bombed-out schools and nurseries. Children are now struggling to survive in cold winter conditions instead of playing in the streets and gardens. There are also children separated from their families. Babies born in a shelter are hope for everyone.

The children of Ukraine are now praying for peace…

Unfortunately, we cannot do anything but sincerely wish that the war will be over as soon as possible and the problem will be resolved by diplomatic methods, and the peace will come.

We respectfully announce to the public that we will continue our support for aid campaigns for Ukrainian children and other Ukrainians in need and most affected by the war and invite all our heartfelt philanthropist friends to support the Ukrainians in need.


Nurten & Uğur Tatlıcı

Regarding our Remembrance Messages

To our distinguished friends:

As you know, we published commemorative messages in a national newspaper every anniversary of February 22, 2009, when the late Salih Tatlıcı passed away.

Starting from 2020, we decided to establish the practice of making cash donations to non-governmental organizations that exhibit the highest examples of social solidarity. These non-governmental organizations demonstrate the highest examples of social solidarity all over the world, especially in our country, operating in fields that have an important place in social life and need constant material and moral support, such as education, environment, health, protection of wildlife and seas, and fight against hunger.

Based on this decision, we respectfully submit to all our friends and the public that this year, which marks the 13th anniversary of the late Salih Tatlıcı’s passing, we continue to make donations to non-governmental organizations operating in various fields, as we mentioned above, instead of publishing a commemorative message in a newspaper, and we will continue to do so at every opportunity.


Nurten &Uğur Tatlıcı