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Donations And Sponsorship

Our Foundation Supports Greenfinity Foundation

Forest fires increase all over the world during the summer months. These fires may occur consciously or unconsciously in tourism regions or in more desolate places such as picnic areas. As the Foundation, we have donated to the Greenfinity Foundation, which produces climate and environmental projects, especially forest areas, which are the guarantee of our future. Greenfinity Foundation presented a letter of thanks to our Foundation regarding the donation.

We Will Continue To Donate Saplings To Increase Our Forest Areas

Regarding the donation, Uğur Tatlıcı, Executive Board Member of our Foundation, said: “As is the case every summer, we are very saddened to receive news of forest fires almost every day, not only in our country but also in many parts of the world. Various measures should be taken in our country and all over the world to prevent forest fires. People should be constantly made aware of this issue. With the principle of sustainable life, we support voluntary, conscious, pioneering non-governmental organisations in our country and in the world that work on the basis of science for the protection of all-natural assets, especially our lands, and believe in social peace coming from the soil. We will always continue to do our part to protect nature and the environment.”

Greenfinity Foundation (Environmental Protection Foundation)

The Greenfinity Foundation is a charitable organisation based in Graz, Austria.

Its motto is: “Together for our World. A Future Together”.

The Greenfinity Foundation has been implementing sustainable environmental and climate projects across the globe since its foundation in 2011.

Furthermore, the Foundation supports measures for effective climate protection, the preservation of natural habitats and the reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The Greenfinity Foundation works closely with local partners as well as national and international environmental groups. Thus, it aims to ensure that all donations are used efficiently on a sustainable basis, creating an important basis for the long-term protection of our environment.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made by the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

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