Helping Our Dear Friends Is A Duty Of Humanity

Salih Tatlıcı Foundation has donated to OIPA (International Organisation for Animal Protection), one of Europe’s leading organizations in the field of animal rights, which campaigns peacefully against animal abuse and is headquartered in Italy.

Animal Abuse Must Be Combated And A Cruelty-Free Lifestyle Must Be Promoted

Regarding the donation, Uğur Tatlıcı, Executive Board member of our Foundation, said: “Animals should no longer be harmed or exploited for human interests, and they should be allowed to live their lives in peace. All people should recognize and respect the rights of animals and animals should be protected by law all over the world. All animals, regardless of their species, should enjoy their basic rights to life and freedom. As the Foundation, we felt it our duty to donate to “OIPA”, an organization that fights against animal abuse and strives to promote a cruelty-free lifestyle for all animals.”

“OIPA” (International Organisation for Animal Protection)

Headquartered in Milan, Italy, OIPA has been carrying out its activities in the field of animal rights all over the world, including our country, since 1981. It is one of the world’s oldest animal rights groups.

OIPA is a non-governmental organization affiliated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications, the United Nations Environment Assembly, and the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The aim of the association is the advocacy of animal rights and the defense of animals against all forms of mistreatment. It also pursues the goal of improving public health through the abolition of all forms of animal experimentation worldwide. The organization also works for environmental defense, where dangerous ecological conditions can harm human health and the integrity of animal and plant life. It wants to contribute to a better, healthier, and more humane world, a non-violent medical science, a more efficient sanitary structure, and an ecologically clean environment.

OIPA’s activities are based on non-violence and non-infringement of individual personal freedom. OIPA’s primary goal is the abolition of live slaughter in every country in the world.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made by the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

We Do Not Forget Other Living Creatures In The Earthquake Zone

The Salih Tatlıcı Foundation has donated to the “Animal Rights Federation” (HAYTAP). HAYTAP defends that living creatures that cannot express themselves through speech should be ethical and legal subjects just like human beings, and by considering it as a long-term goal to be able to file lawsuits on their behalf and to intervene in legal proceedings, the Federation is engaged in activities related to animal rights.

We should all strive to prevent the extinction of natural life

Uğur Tatlıcı, Executive Board Member of our Foundation, said about the donation; It is not a right but a necessity that animals and other living creatures enjoy all the moral and legal rights that humans enjoy. The occupation of other living creatures’ habitats by humans and their cruel behavior towards all species with which they share the planet should be strongly opposed. Especially in cities, it is necessary to help the stray animals we live with to roam freely by keeping their numbers under control through vaccination and sterilization, where necessary. The earthquake disaster we have experienced has also affected animals negatively. As the Salih Tatlıcı Foundation, we continue to help our earthquake victims. This time we have supported “HAYTAP”, which works for animal rights in the earthquake region and throughout our country.”

“Animal Rights Federation” (HAYTAP)

HAYTAP was a platform that existed only as a virtual organization before it became a legal entity, where animal rights activists gathered. HAYTAP, which did not have a legal personality at the time, adopted the name “Animal Rights Turkey Active Power Union Platform”, i.e. HAYTAP, before 2008. The process of institutionalization and organization that started in 2006 was registered with the decision of the Istanbul Governorship in 2008. HAYTAP, which was founded with 5 associations in 2008, has official representatives, volunteers, countless supporters, and donors of 17 interconnected associations working in different provinces and districts and has project partnerships on different issues based on companies as of January 2016.

HAYTAP is a civil society movement that aims to be a strong umbrella for (correct and quality) animal rights activists in Turkey. Embracing all living creatures, HAYTAP is a power union and institutional structure with the understanding of “HAYTAP IS EVERYONE, WE ARE ALL HAYTAP”. It is a federation working on animal rights in Turkey, which can sign contracts and be considered as an addressee at the legal and state level due to its legal personality and its brand value, which is gradually increasing every year.

HAYTAP is not under the monopoly of any company, political party, or association. Its General Assembly and its representatives comprise independent people who have adopted this idea. The distribution of tasks and cooperation between existing volunteers and new applicants to join the family is the most fundamental element. For this reason, it believes that the animal rights movement should be organized by acting together with its member associations, mobilizing many people all over Turkey in the same line, using the declarations issued by the center, directing the correspondence with the administrative authorities, ensuring legal unity, acting scientifically without fighting.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made by the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.