Certificate from Darüşşafaka Society to Uğur and Nurten Tatlıcı

The deceased businessman Salih Tatlıcı’s wife Nurten Tatlıcı and their son Uğur Tatlıcı made
donations to the Darüşşafaka Society on the 158th anniversary of its establishment to support
the education of talented and successful children and youth, whose mother and/or father are
not alive, and who have insufficient financial means and are capable and successful.

Supporting Education at Every Opportunity Was Also My Late Father’s Priority

Regarding the donation, “My late father attached great importance to education. He always
advised my mother and me to support education at every opportunity. It made my mother
and me very happy to have contributed our Darüşşafaka, the first well-established nongovernmental organization in the field of education in our country, which raises children
who lost their parents at a young age and cannot get good education due to financial
means and provides equal opportunities, undertakes such a sacred duty, and sets an
example for sustainable institutions in our country with its 158-year history.” Uğur Tatlıcı

Darüşşafaka Society, our traditional institution providing equal opportunity in
education for 158 years

The association named “Cemiyet-i Tedrisiye-i İslamiye” was established by Yusuf Ziya Pasha,
Gazi Ahmed Muhtar Pasha, Vidinli Huseyin Tevfik Pasha, Sakızlı Ahmet Esat Pasha and Ali
Naki Efendi with the decree of Sultan Abdulaziz Han dated March 30, 1863. It aimed to
support the education of poor and orphaned children. The Society, of which many Ottoman
pashas and intellectuals were members, set the first example of a civil organization in the field
of education in the history of Turkey. Darüşşafaka Educational Institutions have been raising
talented young people who do not have good education opportunities as leaders who have
adopted universal values, are self-confident, aware of their duties and responsibilities towards
their country and society, with the donations of philanthropists since 1863. Darüşşafaka
Society also provides non-refundable scholarship support to graduates of Darüşşafaka High
School who continue to university. Besides, since 2014, there has been a higher education
scholarship program for university students who are not Darüşşafaka graduates.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

Support from Uğur and Nurten Tatlıcı to LÖSEV

The late businessman Salih Tatlıcı’s wife Nurten Tatlıcı and their son Uğur Tatlıcı made
donations to the LÖSEV-Health and Education Foundation for Children with Leukemia
to provide all kinds of needs, especially health and education, of children with leukemia and
blood disease, and to help adult leukemia and cancer patients and their families.

What could be more critical than rehabilitating our children, our adults?

Regarding the donation, “The fact that LÖSEV is an institution that provides support to
thousands of children with leukemia, adult leukemia, and cancer patients and their
families and finds permanent solutions to their problems has been a guide for me and my
mother in our struggle for life. We are happy if we could be of benefit to such a valuable
institution.” Uğur Tatlıcı said.

LÖSEV, which makes leukemia and cancer patients smile

LÖSEV-Health and Education Foundation for Children with Leukemia was founded in
1998. In 2000, Turkey’s first and only Hospital for Children with Leukemia, LÖSANTE,
in 2008 the School for Children with Leukemia, where children with leukemia can receive
a free college education, and in 2010, the Village for Children with Leukemia was put into
operation so that our families visiting from outside Ankara for their treatment can stay for a
long or short term during the treatment. During this period, LÖSEV not only raised the
awareness of children with leukemia and cancer patients, but also the whole of Turkey on
leukemia, cancer, and ways to prevent it and continued to create radical solutions and provide
social and permanent services. In 2015, with the motto, “Do Not Let Humanity Die, Do Not
Let Humans Die,” Europe’s first and country’s most equipped City for Children with
Leukemia and its multidisciplinary hospital, LÖSANTE, was brought to our country.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

Help from Uğur and Nurten Tatlıcı to Our Syrian Guests

Late businessman Salih Tatlıcı’s wife Nurten Tatlıcı and their son Uğur Tatlıcı donated to the aid campaign organized by Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) for Syrian refugees.

Hospitality is the most critical value of Turkish folk culture.

Regarding the donation, “My late father Salih Tatlıcı was a philanthropic businessman. He always came to the aid of those in need. My father felt very sorry for the sad life of the refugees who sought refuge in our country from neighboring countries and would support them at every opportunity. Our Syrian refugee brothers and sisters have been uprooted from their countries, families, loved ones, homes, belongings, cultures. In short, they have suffered and are still suffering. We wholeheartedly support the campaign organized by Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent), our deep-rooted organization of great historical importance, to heal the wounds of our Syrian brothers and sisters.” Uğur Tatlıcı said.

Turkish Red Crescent Society: The symbol of humanity, impartiality, and peace.

It was founded on June 11, 1868 under the name of “Ottoman Aid Society for the Wounded and Sick Soldiers,” out of the desire to help soldiers who were injured or sick on the battlefield without any discrimination. The sign of Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) is the bright red “crescent” to the left when looking straight ahead on a white background. In the Red Crescent flag, the open side of the “crescent” is towards the opposite of the flagpole. Between the Ottoman-Russian War of 1876 and the Cyprus Peace Operation in 1974, in all the wars in which Turkey is a party and through the mobile and fixed hospitals it established behind the front, the patient transport services, the hospital ships it equipped, the nurses it trained and the volunteer patient caregivers, the Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) assisted in the care and treatment of tens of thousands of friend and enemy of Little Mehmet who were injured or sick on the battlefield, provided humanitarian aid to the prisoners of war, whether Turkish or enemy, and endeavored to care and protect the civilian population affected by the war.

The aim of Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) is to prevent or alleviate human suffering, wherever it is witnessed, without any discrimination, to protect human life and health, to ensure that human personality is respected, and to strive to bring mutual understanding, friendship, respect, cooperation and lasting peace among people. Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) symbolizes solidarity in times of need, equality in times of suffering, humanitarianism, neutrality, and peace in the fiercest moment of the war. Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) shares the basic principles of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. These are the principles of humanity, non-discrimination, impartiality, independence, charitable nature, unity, and universality. Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) is a voluntary social service organization with a legal personality, subject to the provisions of private law, non-profit, free of charge, and working for the benefit of the public.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.