Support from Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı to the “International Committee of the Red Cross”

Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı made donations to the “Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine” campaign organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, an international aid organization, to meet the health, shelter, protection, food, and hygiene needs of the civilians in Ukraine, which was adversely affected by the war.

We support victims of war in Ukraine

Regarding the donation, My late father Salih Tatlıcı used to say that there is no problem that cannot be solved through dialogue and persuasion. Unfortunately, the ongoing tension between Ukraine and Russia turned into a war. Once again, humanity is being tested by the destruction, pain, and loss of the war. Civil settlements have turned into battlefields in this crisis, which the international community has been watching helplessly before the pain of similar ones has not subsided yet. Civilians, children, women, the elderly, and people with disabilities are trying to hold on to life in cold and troubled conditions in shelters and underground metro stations in fear and panic. According to what we learned from the media, people in big cities are experiencing great difficulties in emergency health, shelter, protection, food, and hygiene services and materials. We lend supportto the aid campaign organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross to help it continue providing much-needed medical and humanitarian aid in Ukraine. On this occasion, we wish that diplomatic efforts to restore peace will be concluded as soon as possible, that the war will end, and peace will come,Uğur Tatlıcı said.

Impartial and Independent Humanitarian Organization: International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross is one of the oldest and best-known organizations globally. It is one of the independent and impartial humanitarian organizations with its aid and protection activities, which have an important place in the field of international humanitarian law, with members from 195 countries, including Turkey.

Its mission is to protect human life and dignity, help victims of war and civil conflict worldwide, and improve the lives of powerless and people in need worldwide by mobilizing the power of humanism.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

Support to the Campaign “For Ukraine Now!” by Uğur and Nurten Tatlıcı

Late businessman Salih Tatlıcı’s wife Nurten Tatlıcı and their son Uğur Tatlıcı donated to the “For Ukraine Now!” aid campaignorganized by our Red Crescent to meet the health, shelter, protection, food, and hygiene needs of civilians in Ukraine, whowere adversely affected by the war. Nurten and Uğur Tatlıcı were presented with certificates of appreciation by Dr. Kerem Kınık, the president of the Red Crescent.

Supporting the victims of war in Ukraine is a human duty

“My late father Salih Tatlıcı used to say that war is a great disaster for humanity and problems can never be solved by war; on the contrary, they will grow and deepen. Unfortunately, the ongoing tension between Ukraine and Russia turned into a war. The most affected victims of war are undoubtedly children. Wars tarnish children’s future, deprive them of their education and nutrition, break up their families, and, worst of all, take their lives. War takes away people’s joy in life and turns the economic order upside down. My mother and I wish this war to come to an end as soon as possible, the problem to be resolved through diplomatic methods and peace to come. We wholeheartedly support the “For Ukraine Now!” campaign organized by our Red Crescent to heal the wounds of Ukrainian war victims,” Uğur Tatlıcı stated regarding the donation.

Turkish Red Crescent Society: The symbol of humanity, impartiality, and peace.

It was founded on June 11, 1868, under the name of “Ottoman Aid Society for the Wounded and Sick Soldiers,” out of the desire to help soldiers injured or sick on the battlefield without any discrimination. The sign of Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) is the bright red “crescent” to the left when looking straight ahead on a white background. In the Red Crescent flag, the open side of the “crescent” is towards the opposite of the flagpole. Between the Ottoman-Russian War of 1876 and the Cyprus Peace Operation in 1974, in all the wars in which Turkey is a party and through the mobile and fixed hospitals it established behind the front, the patient transport services, the hospital ships it equipped, the nurses it trained and the volunteer patient caregivers, the Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) assisted in the care and treatment of tens of thousands of friend and enemy of Little Mehmet who were injured or sick on the battlefield, provided humanitarian aid to the prisoners of war, whether Turkish or enemy, and endeavored to care and protect the civilian population affected by the war.

The aim of Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) is to prevent or alleviate human suffering, wherever it is witnessed, without any discrimination, to protect human life and health, to ensure that human personality is respected, and to strive to bring mutual understanding, friendship, respect, cooperation and lasting peace among people. Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) symbolizes solidarity in times of need, equality in times of suffering, humanitarianism, neutrality, and peace in the fiercest moment of the war. Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) shares the basic principles of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. These are the principles of humanity, non-discrimination, impartiality, independence, charitable nature, unity, and universality. Kızılay (The Turkish Red Crescent) is a voluntary social service organization with a legal personality, subject to the provisions of private law, non-profit, free of charge, and working for the benefit of the public.

The donations and aid projects mentioned here were made with the personal income of the founders of our Foundation, Nurten Tatlıcı and her son Uğur Tatlıcı, in memory of the late Salih Tatlıcı, the benevolent person whose name continues to live on through our Foundation and whom they bid farewell in journey to eternity in 2009.

The Tragedy in Ukraine Breaks Our Hearts…

Dear Friends,

Unfortunately, innocent children suffer and pay the price— mostly unaware of what is happening in wars. Children playing games in their homes and studying at their schools are taken to the nearest shelters in an environment of great panic they encounter for the first time without realizing what is happening.

The looks in the images we see in different media outlets clearly describe fear, deprivation, and sadness. They leave behind bombed-out schools and nurseries. Children are now struggling to survive in cold winter conditions instead of playing in the streets and gardens. There are also children separated from their families. Babies born in a shelter are hope for everyone.

The children of Ukraine are now praying for peace…

Unfortunately, we cannot do anything but sincerely wish that the war will be over as soon as possible and the problem will be resolved by diplomatic methods, and the peace will come.

We respectfully announce to the public that we will continue our support for aid campaigns for Ukrainian children and other Ukrainians in need and most affected by the war and invite all our heartfelt philanthropist friends to support the Ukrainians in need.


Nurten & Uğur Tatlıcı